"Reading the commendations of nowadays to the Internet and investigating the individual websites, we remembered that the mailartists has been making the same activity 10, 20 and, sometimes, from 30 years ago. The decentralization of the art and the communication to distance from the art centers of the world, in charge of the artist-s-mail, they happened many before the World Wide Web".
Fagagaga, 15 of Nov.´99, personal letter
The things don't happen scatteredly, all are linked. The art in the Net of nowadays is not casual and it is originated, certainly, in Mail Art. Who have been the objectives of the art mail from its beginnings in the first experiences of Ray Johnson of half-filled of the 60s, but the communication and the interation? Ray sent unconcluded works to his friends so that they ended them. Born from that original project, nowadays the Mail Art, already at the end of century, preserve with great difficulty its force and its impulse in spite of the changes caused by the scientific and technological advances and the foregone absorption of the market. It is true that so much years of validity have weakened that
remotion of values and that today a growing institutionalization, absorption and banalitization are attended, on the part of the stablisment, of the principles that consecrated to the communication like only representative of our art, above the inconstant and whimsical artistic fashions, the more than the times imposed by the market of the art. The decentralization of the art is an implicit phenomenon in the art mail because a current of artistic specific expression centralized in an is not "ism" (like Surrealism or Abstraccionism, etc.) but of an artistic form that admits any half or support and any aesthetic well-known current and by knowing: "The Eternal Network" of Robert Filliou, the utopian project, perhaps unreachable, of the permanent communication of all through all the available means.