Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The Parastamp exhibition is the product of one and a half years of preparatory – research and systematisation – work. Based on the various documents and publications available, a collection of materials has been compiled in order to provide an overview of the history of the artistamp through past exhibitions.
This material, together with the clearly arranged documentation of Michael Bidner’s estate and additional pieces from the Artistamp Museum of Artpool, can be studied at leisure by researchers and any interested party during the exhibition in Artpool, in the Artistamp Research Corner during opening hours.
Let us finish this already long account with some acknowledgement:
The background material, which is of vital importance for this exhibition reviewing forty years of the artistamp, could not have been collected without the support of our artist- and art loving partners who assisted us in our work by sending us their special stamp works, documents and written works, and encouraged us by continuously demonstrating their professional interest in the project.
We would like to express our thanks as well as respect to all the members of the Mail Art Network, and especially to the following people:
Anna Banana, Vittore Baroni, Thomas Michael Bidner, Al Brandtner, C. T. Chew, Robert Rudine-Dogfish, Jas W. Felter, Peter Frank, Hans Ruedi Fricker, Harley-Terra Candella, John Held Jr., Michael Hernandez De Luna, E. F. Higgins III., Bernd Löbach-Hinweiser, Crackerjack Kid, Milan Knizak, András Lengyel, Stephen Perkins, Pawel Petasz, Gilbert & Lila Silverman, Hans Sohm, Patricia Tavenner, The Sticker Dude, Ed Varney, Bill Wilson.
We look forward to hear of you,
best wishes from: